Get in touch: 718-767-4815

Goals and Objectives

  • Act as a collective bargaining agent with labor unions; utilizing our tactical negotiation committee to ensure all contractor needs are satisfied by the CBA
  • Serve as a vehicle to address the concerns of independent contractors and to convey these concerns to affected agencies; including but not limited to DOT, DDC and Parks
  • Monitor procedures and communicate with contracting agencies on member’s behalf;
  • Ensure that public bids are advertised and solicited in compliance with applicable rules and regulations giving sufficient notice to all to maximize competition;
  • Promote fair contracting in the bidding, procurement, award, execution, performance, and enforcement of public and private contracts between owners, construction managers and contractors with an emphasis upon public work projects;
  • Ensure that contracts are awarded only to the lowest qualified bidder, in accordance with legal requirements.
  • Ensure that only reasonable, balanced and justifiable bids are considered or awarded;
  • Ensure that contracts are awarded to contractors whose performance, qualifications and integrity meet agency requirements;
  • Ensure that all submitted documents, including payments, are processed in accordance with agency guidelines;
  • Advance the industry by sharing new information as it comes available regarding health, safety, and technology issues.
  • Ensure that contractors receive their payments in a timely fashion or receive a reasonable explanation or justification for the failure to receive such payments and interest, where applicable;
  • Promote the advancement of the industry by sharing information and educating independent contractors on technical, safety, health and other relevant industry issues;
  • To ensure that all contractual requirements are fairly and uniformly enforced;
  • Ensure that the public agencies receive a quality product performed by skilled workers in a safe and professional environment and that the prevailing wage laws are uniformly enforced;
  • Monitor and report on legislative, regulatory or judicial actions and decisions which affect the industry and to facilitate compliance with such decisions;
  • Encourage the establishment and expansion of a technically skilled and proficient work force through education, training and apprentice programs.